One of the major shifts in education today under the influence of information and communication technologies is that there is an increased tendency toward the use of computers and Internet. The process of ICT integration in schools reaches a considerable level of maturity and teachers and students are optimizing the learning opportunities with the use of ICT. However it is imperative that the teachers must know how to judge the quality and suitability of information before they can introduce to the students. Some evaluation criteria indicated in the literature are, authority, accuracy, objectivity, currency, coverage and intended audience. This paper describes ways to evaluate suitability of educational websites based on the well defined set of criteria.


Finding Quality Information On InternetFor Educational Use

Myint Swe Khine*
Learning Sciences and Technologies Academic Group,Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
Periodicity:April - June'2006


One of the major shifts in education today under the influence of information and communication technologies is that there is an increased tendency toward the use of computers and Internet. The process of ICT integration in schools reaches a considerable level of maturity and teachers and students are optimizing the learning opportunities with the use of ICT. However it is imperative that the teachers must know how to judge the quality and suitability of information before they can introduce to the students. Some evaluation criteria indicated in the literature are, authority, accuracy, objectivity, currency, coverage and intended audience. This paper describes ways to evaluate suitability of educational websites based on the well defined set of criteria.


ICT integration, Educational Websites.

How to Cite this Article?

Myint Swe Khine (2006). Finding Quality Information on Internet for Educational use. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 3(1), 31-34.


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