A Technological Forecast for Growth in Solid-State Commercial Lighting using LED Devices

Tom Page*
Loughborough University, UK
Periodicity:July - September'2009
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jee.3.1.1001


The commercial lighting market is developing to find new and improved light sources.  The aim of this paper is to investigate LED technology to identify the limitations they have that have prevented their widespread use throughout the commercial lighting market.  LEDs offer benefits, including energy saving, longer life times, and new lighting applications through organic LEDs (OLEDs).

Through interviewing technical experts it was ascertained that there are a number of limitations that prevent LEDs from being used in more lighting applications.  These include luminous efficacy/output (the amount of light emitted for every watt of energy used) and cost.  It is the belief across much of the lighting industry that when these issues have been resolved, and LED technology can supply more light per watt of energy than other established forms of lighting, they will be used on a much larger scale in areas such as general lighting.


LEDs, OLEDs, commercial lighting, limitations to growth.

How to Cite this Article?

Tom Page (2009). A Technological Forecast for Growth in Solid-State Commercial Lighting using Led Devices. i-manager’s Journal on Electrical Engineering, 3(1), Jul-Sep 2009, Print ISSN 0973-8835, E-ISSN 2230-7176, pp. 50-65. https://doi.org/10.26634/jee.3.1.1001


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