A Study on Performance of Modified Bitumen Using Different Types of Blacks
Windblown Sand Modelling and Mitigation for Civil Structures: A Probabilistic Approach
Electrical Conductivity of Saturated Fine-Grained Soils: Modelling and Classification Applications
Dynamic Fracturing and Deformation of Geomaterials- A Multiscale Experimental and Analytical Approach.
Estimating the Soil Moisture Index using Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) And Land Surface Temperature (LST) for Bidar and Kalaburagi District, Karnataka
Roughness Evaluation of Flexible Pavements Using Merlin and Total Station Equipment
Site Suitability Analysis for Solid Waste Dumping in Ranchi City, Jharkhand Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques
Unsaturated Seepage Modeling of Lined Canal Using SEEP/W
Strengthening and Rehabilitation of RC Beams with Openings Using CFRP
A Seasonal Autoregressive Model Of Vancouver Bicycle Traffic Using Weather Variables
Prediction of Compressive Strength of Concrete by Data-Driven Models
Predicting the 28 Days Compressive Strength of Concrete Using Artificial Neural Network
Measuring Compressive Strength of Puzzolan Concrete by Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Method
Design and Analysis of Roller Compacted Concrete Pavements for Low Volume Roads in India
Countries in the world's hot climatic areas have an abundance of sunshine. While the heat component of solar radiation, along with humidity produces ambient discomfort, its visible light component has great potential for cooling applications in building interior thermal comfort. In this study, the traditional building practice in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) has been reviewed. Novel heat flow reduction strategies were investigated with the goal of identifying the best roof design that will minimize heat transmission from roof to building interior and thus make solar cooling more economically-feasible. Scaled-down structures of roof envelopes were constructed using the typical SSA metallic roofing materials. The single roof construction that is traditionally implemented in SSA was replicated for reference. Double roof constructions with different configurations were also constructed for comparison with the typical SSA single roof construction. When compared to the reference “traditional single roof”, the “single roof with radiant heat reflector underneath” configuration with 3.5” (8.89cm) air space separation, lowered the attic peak temperature by 12.26 degree F, and reduced the 24-hr stored interior thermal energy by 66%.
Fundamental period of vibration is determined by an empirical equation by many building codes. Many times these values are estimated over-conservatively. Many researchers have attempted modification in these formulae with an aim of predicting the period of vibration as close to the reality. Soft computing technique of Genetic Programming (GP) is applied to arrive at the simple empirical equation for fundamental period of vibration. In the present study, GP models are developed using input parameters which represent mass, stiffness and geometry of the buildings directly or indirectly. Total number of 70 buildings are analyzed out of which, data set of 49 buildings are used to develop the models. The GP technique has given the equations of period of vibration, which are then modified as per the error obtained from the experimentation conducted on mild steel frames. Finally a simple expression for fundamental period of vibration is suggested, which is then verified from the data set found in the literature.
The study aims at developing a micro-simulation model for signalized intersection to reduce the travel time by improving the signal program. The data collection includes Classified Turning Volume count at the Intersection, Geometry of the Intersection, Signal Timing and Phasing and Delay and Travel Time across the intersection. The model is developed in PTV (VISSIM) “Verkehr In Städten - SIMulationsmodell” and is calibrated using Genetic Algorithm (GA) through the Component Object Model (COM), Application Programming Interface (API) enabled through MATLAB, also by manual systematic adjustments of parameters, which is then validated with a different dataset with a Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) within the limit of 15%. Results from the Simulation after signal program optimization indicated a reduction in the travel time upto 25% to the users.
Durability of concrete has been largely studied in order to prevent steel corrosion of concrete reinforcement for the production of new concrete structures in extreme environments. Both liquid and gas permeability are the factors that lead to the deterioration of concrete and corrosion of the reinforcement. Hence, various researchers have suggested performing Electrical Resistivity Test, Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Test and Carbonation Test against the durability of the concrete. In this research, durability of concrete is improved by replacing cement and sand partially with fly ash up to 40% by weight and pond ash upto 20% by volume, simultaneously with introduction of glass fiber 0.1% volume of fraction. In this paper, importance of durability tests are analyzed by ANOVA method for measurement of corrosion and service life period is analyzed for various mixes.
Work sampling is a very effective tool for measuring and monitoring the performances of construction crews. Work measurement was conducted at 3 different sites with their unique qualities. Productivity was measured for crews comprising of one mason (skilled worker) and one helper (unskilled worker)-1M (Mason)+1H (Helper). Enough observations were made to ensure a 95% confidence limit and ± 5% accuracy of sampling results. Block work and internal wall plastering were chosen for work study. These works were divided into their elements. Sampling was done by categorizing work elements as Direct Work (DW), Indirect Work (IW) and Not Working or Idle (NW). The regression analysis on the work sampling data shows that observed quantity is having very low correlation with DW content and satisfactory correlation with working content (DW+IW). Results of sampling show that shares of DW, IW and NW are 56%, 27% and 17% for observed works respectively. Labor Utilization Factor (LUF) given by the sum of direct work and half of indirect work is around 69% for all works. The values of LUFs for all sites are in good range and help in monitoring trends. The direct work content is almost twice as indirect contributory work for both works in all sites. 1M+1H crew composition is found to be optimum and economical compared to 2M+1H and 1M+2H combinations. The major cause of delays in all sites is found to be waiting for materials and equipment.