Current search engines - even the constantly surprising Google seem unable to leap the next big barrier in search: the trillions of bytes of dynamically generated data created by individual Web sites around the world, or what some researchers call the "deep web".


Next-Gen Search Engines

Amardeep Gupta*
Head, Department of Computer Science, D A V College, Amritsar.
Periodicity:April - June'2005


Current search engines - even the constantly surprising Google seem unable to leap the next big barrier in search: the trillions of bytes of dynamically generated data created by individual Web sites around the world, or what some researchers call the "deep web".


deep web, META tags.

How to Cite this Article?

Amardeep Gupta (2005). Next-Gen Search Engines. i-manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 2(1), 25-28.


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