A Methodology for WebLog Data analysis using HadoopMapReduce and PIG

Durga Prasad P S*, T. Vivekanandan**, A.Srinivasan***
* PG Scholar, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SITAMS, Chittor, Andhra Pradesh, India.
**-*** Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SITAMS, Chittor, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Periodicity:November - January'2016


In the recent time, world is severely facing the problem related to the data storage and processing. Especially, the size of weblog data is exponentially increasing in terms of petabytes and zettabytes. The dependency of weblog data shows its importance on the users' actions on web. To solve and improve the business in all aspects, web data is prominent and hence it is vital. The traditional data management system is not adequate to handle the data in very large size. The Map Reduce programming approach is introduced to deal with the large data processing. In this paper, the authors have proposed a large scale data processing system for analysing web log data through MapReduce programming in Hadoop framework using Pig script. The experimental results show the processing time for classification of different status code in the web log data is efficient, than the traditional techniques.


Hadoop, Embedded Pig, MapReduce, Web Log Data

How to Cite this Article?

Prasad, P. S. D., Vivekanandan, T., and Srinivasan, A. (2016). A Methodology for WebLog Data analysis using HadoopMapReduce and PIG. i-manager’s Journal on Cloud Computing, 3(1), 13-17.


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