Black Spot Identification and Audit Analysis for Heterogeneous Traffic Conditions in Hyderabad City – a Case Study

T. Sri Lakshmi Sowmya*, A. Ramesh**, B.N.M. Rao***, M. Kumar****
* PG Student, Department of Civil Engineering, VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
** Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
*** Professor and Head, Department of Civil Engineering, VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
**** Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, University College of Engineering, Osmania University, Telangana, India.
Periodicity:September - November'2015


Accident black-spot is the place where road traffic accidents have historically been concentrated. In these locations, accidents are not a random event but are common due to varying factors like road environment, traffic factors, and vehicle conditions. In metropolitan cities like Hyderabad in India, road traffic is heterogeneous and vehicular movement is highly influenced by surrounding vehicular traffic which is resulting in frequent accidents. In order to overcome the increasing number of road accidents, the present study helps to analyze the black-spot locations in the city where the major road accidents take place. Accident data for the past three years (2012-2014) in Hyderabad city was collected from police records in terms of time, date of occurrence, details of accidents such as fatal, injury, and property damage, and type of vehicles involved. This data is analyzed using accident frequency method and accident severity method for identification of black-spot locations. These identified black-spot locations are ranked in terms of severity of occurrence and analyzed to bring out the accident contributing factors for each location. Audit studies were conducted at black-spot locations for achieving improvement measures for reduction in cause of road accidents. A black-spot model was also developed using multiple linear regression analysis. Narrow roads, steep curves, improper illumination, improper traffic signals, and lack of speed sign boards were observed as a few major causes for road accidents at highly ranked black- spot locations. From the study, it was also observed that rash driving, and signal jump play a vital role for increasing accident rates in the city.


Black-Spot, Accident Severity, Accident Frequency, Audit.

How to Cite this Article?

Sowmya, T.S.L., Ramesh, A., Rao, B.N.M., and Kumar, M. (2015). Black Spot Identification and Audit Analysis for Heterogeneous Traffic Conditions in Hyderabad City – a Case Study. i-manager’s Journal on Structural Engineering, 4(3), 34-42.


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