Mobile Cloud-Based Approach for Disease Diagnosis

Gandikota Ramu*, B.Eswara Reddy**
*-** Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Anantapur College of Engineering, Anantapuram, India.
Periodicity:May - July'2014


Disease diagnosis is a major issue in healthcare system; day to day new diseases are being found with different symptoms. So, identifying the disease is a big challenge for common people .The rapid development of cloud computing and android technology makes healthcare system work simple. By using these technologies, we have developed this mobile cloud based approach for disease diagnosis system. Here, the authors have proposed a mobile cloud based architecture for enabling disease diagnosis. We developed an android application for the users; it is a very user friendly application to use without any prior knowledge and the cloud server will have the details of the diseases, precautions, hospital and medical volunteers that respond to the user request. This application can predict the disease based on the given symptoms’ combination using decision trees from the training data. The main aim of this research is to predict the disease name based on the patient’s selected symptoms and provide necessary remedies and hospital details. If any extra information is needed, it suggests the medical voluntaries.


Cloud Computing, Health Care,Mobile Cloud, Symptoms, Telemedicine, Android Device, Decision Trees, Disease Diagnosis, Medical Voluntaries.

How to Cite this Article?

Ramu, G., and Reddy, B. E. (2014). Mobile Cloud-Based Approach for Disease Diagnosis. i-manager’s Journal on Cloud Computing, 1(3), 21-28.


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