Ammonia and hydrogen sulphide contribute bad odor in tannery wastewater. The present work deals with odor reduction and treatment of wastewater from a tannery. Samples of tannery waste water are collected from different regions and from different tanning sectors to analyze sulphide and nitrogen contents with them. Methods of removal of these odor-sources by means of adding reactive-chemicals or passing compressed air or adsorption by activated charcoal are studied and discussed. The latter two of methods based on feasibility and eco-friendliness, is used for experimental study. Engineering design aspects of the proposed devices (CSTR / Packed Bed) are discussed. The odor removal process is made continuous by designing and employing a temperature controller by adjusting the flow rate of air passing through the float in a CSTR / packed bed. The automatic control reduces labor cost, stabilizes operating conditions and helps in effective removal of odorous streams and gases.


Closed-Loop Control for Odor-Reduction during Wastewater Treatment in Tannery

Rames C Panda*, V. Sivakumar**, C. Sreepradha***, T. Narayani****, A.B Mandal*****
* Principal & Faculty of Chemical Engineering Department, Central Leather Research Insitute (CLRI), Adayar, Chennai.
** Senior Scientist, Chemical Engineering Department, Central Leather Research Insitute (CLRI) ,Adayar, Chennai.
***_**** Research scholar, Anna University, Chennai.
***** Director of Central Leather Research Insitute (CLRI), Adayar, Chennai.
Periodicity:November - January'2015


Ammonia and hydrogen sulphide contribute bad odor in tannery wastewater. The present work deals with odor reduction and treatment of wastewater from a tannery. Samples of tannery waste water are collected from different regions and from different tanning sectors to analyze sulphide and nitrogen contents with them. Methods of removal of these odor-sources by means of adding reactive-chemicals or passing compressed air or adsorption by activated charcoal are studied and discussed. The latter two of methods based on feasibility and eco-friendliness, is used for experimental study. Engineering design aspects of the proposed devices (CSTR / Packed Bed) are discussed. The odor removal process is made continuous by designing and employing a temperature controller by adjusting the flow rate of air passing through the float in a CSTR / packed bed. The automatic control reduces labor cost, stabilizes operating conditions and helps in effective removal of odorous streams and gases.


Odor Control, Sulphide, Ammonia, Tannery, Waste Water, Dynamic Matrix Control

How to Cite this Article?

Panda, R. C., Sivakumar, V., Sreepradha, C., Narayani , T., and Mandal, A.B. (2015). Closed-Loop Control for Odor-Reduction during Wastewater Treatment in Tannery. i-manager’s Journal on Future Engineering and Technology, 10(2), 21-29.


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