Cloud computing enables industries to outsource their IT services at a lower cost. It reduces the capital expenditure of the industry and maintenance. Clients upload their data to the storage server in cloud storage service. Ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of the data stored at cloud it is of great importance since the data is stored and maintained by third party. In prior works, the clients need to store the data locally to verify the proofs sent by the server. In this paper, we propose a secure and dependable cloud storage service with data forwarding scheme among the cloud users. It involves TTPA (Trusted Third Party Auditor) who audit the data in cloud server on behalf of the clients. The auditing scheme achieves privacy preserving by not letting the auditor or any adversary to collect information about the client's data. Our approach is provable to be secure and efficient. It works for all Text, Video, Image files and supports dynamic data operations (insert, update, delete) also.