Prediction Of The Compressive Strength In Fal-G Compressed Blocks

Radhakrishna*, Niranjan P.S.**
* Associate Professor and Dean, Department of Civil Engineering, R V College of Engineering, Bangalore
** Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, MVJ College of Engineering, Bangalore
Periodicity:December - February'2013


The rapid increase in the capacity of thermal power generation in India has resulted in the production of a huge quantity of fly ash. The prevailing disposal methods are not free from environmental pollution and ecological imbalance. Large stretches of scarce land, which can be used for shelter, agriculture or some other productive purposes, are being wasted for disposal of fly ash. The production of each ton of cement releases an equal amount of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. The usage of cement can be reduced by using the other possible cementing materials without compromising the strength and durability. FaL-G, finds extensive application in the manufacturing of building components and materials such as solid bricks, hollow bricks and structural concretes. It is free from conventional cement. It is free from conventional cement. FaL-G technology enables production of bricks with a simple process of mixing, moulding and water curing. Due to such appropriate technology apart from economy, conservation of energy and pollution control are also achieved. Housing is a great problem in today's world. The most basic building material for construction of houses is the usual burnt clay brick. A significant quantity of fuel is utilized in making these bricks. Also, continuous removal of topsoil, in producing conventional bricks, creates environmental problems 


Fal -G; Compressed Block; Compressive Strength; Degree Of Saturation; Generalized Abrams Law; Phenomenological Model

How to Cite this Article?

Radhakrishna and Niranjan, P. S. (2013). Prediction Of The Compressive Strength In Fal-G Compressed Blocks. i-manager’s Journal on Civil Engineering, 3(1),19-24 .


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