The load transfer mechanism of deep beams is very different from normal flexural beams and these beams are likely to have strength controlled by shear as against flexure. Failure of concrete in shear is highly undesirable owing to its brittleness. However, the intrusion of short steel fibres in concrete matrix impart substantial ductility and enhances shear strength of RC beams. The contribution of various factors attributable to the development of shear strength of fibre concrete beams has been extensively investigated in this study and an analytical model has been formulated to predict the shear strength of fibre based RC beams. The various parameters contributing to the shear strength of reinforced concrete beams are shear span-to-depth ratio, reinforcement ratio, strength of concrete, volume fraction and aspect ratio of fibres. The proposed model for estimation of shear capacity of beams was then compared with existing models and that of with ACI code. A good agreement was noted between them. 


Shear Strength of Concrete Deep Beams Loaded with Steel Fibres

Tantary M.A*
Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, NIT Srinagar
Periodicity:December - February'2013


The load transfer mechanism of deep beams is very different from normal flexural beams and these beams are likely to have strength controlled by shear as against flexure. Failure of concrete in shear is highly undesirable owing to its brittleness. However, the intrusion of short steel fibres in concrete matrix impart substantial ductility and enhances shear strength of RC beams. The contribution of various factors attributable to the development of shear strength of fibre concrete beams has been extensively investigated in this study and an analytical model has been formulated to predict the shear strength of fibre based RC beams. The various parameters contributing to the shear strength of reinforced concrete beams are shear span-to-depth ratio, reinforcement ratio, strength of concrete, volume fraction and aspect ratio of fibres. The proposed model for estimation of shear capacity of beams was then compared with existing models and that of with ACI code. A good agreement was noted between them. 


Deep Beam, Shear Strength, Fibre Orientation, Post Cracking Tensile Strength.

How to Cite this Article?

Tantary, M.A. (2013). Shear Strength Of Concrete Deep Beams Loaded With Steel Fibres. i-manager’s Journal on Civil Engineering, 3(1), 1-9 .


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