This study explores the job satisfaction of cashew workers in Kanyakumari District, focusing on the challenges and factors influencing their work environment. The cashew industry, a significant source of employment in the district, involves demanding labor, extended working hours, and modest pay, which impact workers' overall job satisfaction. By examining socioeconomic variables, workplace conditions, and employment benefits, the study seeks to uncover the "unsolved story" behind the daily realities of cashew workers. The district is divided into four taluks: Vilavancode, Kalkulam, Thovalai, and Agasteeswaram, with 840 factories in total. A sample size of 200 units was selected from across the district using a convenient sampling method, with 50 units drawn from each taluk. The sample comprises 60 male and 140 female workers. Data collected were analyzed and interpreted using tables and figures. Statistical tools such as the Chi- square test and Likert scaling techniques were employed to derive meaningful insights.