Cyber Vaccinator for Image Tamper Resilient and Recovery using Invertible Neural Network

Sathish A.*, Aasha R.**, Abinayasri P.***, Kaviya B.****
*-**** Roever Engineering College, Perambalur, Tamil Nadu, India.
Periodicity:January - June'2024


People frequently interact with their families, friends, and colleagues through Online Social Networks (OSNs). People post and share their photos in online communities and content-sharing sites. The problem addressed in this paper is the susceptibility of digital images to tampering, which compromises security and privacy. Traditional image forgery detection methods face challenges in reproducing original content after manipulation. This paper introduces an advanced Image Immunization System leveraging Invertible Neural Networks. The system, which comprises the cyber vaccinator, vaccine validator, forward pass for tamper detection, and backward pass for image self-recovery, aims to proactively immunize images against various attacks. The run-length encoding in the backward pass transforms hidden perturbations into information, facilitating the recovery of the authentic image. The middleware's expansion to multimodal content analysis, including videos and audio, provides a more comprehensive defense against digital manipulation within OSNs. These advancements reflect a commitment to robust security and holistic content integrity. The Cyber Vaccinator, using Invertible Neural Networks (INNs) for image tamper resilience and recovery, demonstrates significant effectiveness in detecting tampering and restoring images, providing a robust solution for maintaining image integrity. The Cyber Vaccinator uses an Invertible Neural Network (INN) to safeguard image integrity. It detects tampering by analyzing invariant features and responds with precise recovery methods. By continuously monitoring images, it ensures real-time tamper detection and efficient restoration, maintaining image authenticity through advanced neural network resilience and recovery techniques.


Backward Pass, Forward Pass, Immunizer, Image Tampering Detection, Image Integrity Verification, Invertible Neural Networks, Cybersecurity, Image Recovery Techniques.

How to Cite this Article?

Sathish, A., Aasha, R., Abinayasri, P., and Kaviya B. (2024). Cyber Vaccinator for Image Tamper Resilient and Recovery using Invertible Neural Network. i-manager’s Journal on Digital Forensics & Cyber Security, 2(1), 27-32.


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