Nature’s Pharmacy: A Deep Learning approach for Identification of Medicinal Plants

Uppe Nanaji*
Periodicity:July - September'2024


The discovery and use of medicinal plants is essential for each conventional and present- day health structures. This looks at introduces a unique deep gaining knowledge of technique the usage of EfficientNetB3 models for medicinal plant detection and extraction. For chemical models, the version is trained on special datasets, inclusive of plant species, to make certain class accuracy. Through deep gaining knowledge of this proposed technique gives a dependable and efficient solution for figuring out medicinal flora based on specific characteristics. The EfficientNetB3 model checks for better overall performance in category programs, in spite of restricted computing assets. The application of deep learning in plant chemical identity holds promise in fields including medication, ethnobotany, and conservation biology offering researchers, health professionals, and lovers are able to quickly catalog medicinal plants and advantage perception into their healing properties. In deep learning techniques, particularly the EfficientNetB3 version, facilitates the green identification and type of medicinal plant life, thereby advancing plant research and improving fitness practices are powerful.


Medicinal Plants, EfficientNetB3, MongoDB, Django, ChatBot Messenger, Deep Learning

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