Studying The Effect Of Maintaining The Urban Roads At Different Serviceability Levels And Applying Deferred Maintenance

Yogesh Shah*, S.S. Jain**, Tiwari Devesh***, Jain M.K****
* Research Scholar, Centre for Transportation Systems (CTRANS), Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India.
** Professor & Coordinator, Transportation Engg. Group, Civil Engineering Depart. and Associate Faculty, Indian Institute of Tech. Roorkee, India.
*** Principal Scientist, Pavement Evaluation Division, Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi, India.
**** Assistant Professor, Hydrology Department, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India.
Periodicity:June - August'2012


The level of service defines the appropriate level of maintenance and the priority placed on the work. These levels can be used in planning, performing and evaluating the various maintenance activities with available funds. According to Indian codes, the priorities for levels of service are set for three possible levels of maintenance funding viz. (i) desirable level (highest level of funding) (ii) average level (iii) acceptable level (lowest level of funding). The main objective of a pavement maintenance management system is to provide a scientific tool to maintain roads at desired serviceability levels. It is also well accepted fact that due to paucity of funds it is not possible to provide the highest level of serviceability and hence there’s a need to evaluate the pavement conditions at lower serviceability levels. This case study demonstrates the determination of fund requirements for maintaining the urban pavement sections as per three serviceability levels defined as desirable, average and accepted. The analysis has done using HDM-4 shows the effect of changing the serviceability level on varying fund requirements and the pavement network condition. Also, the effect of applying the deferred maintenance to the urban pavement sections due to scarcity of funds is analyzed. The 23.7 Km road length of Noida urban city, near Delhi is selected for this study.


Urban roads, pavement serviceability levels, HDM-4

How to Cite this Article?

Yogesh, S., Jain, S. S., Devesh, T., and Jain, M. K. (2012). Studying The Effect Of Maintaining The Urban Roads At Different Serviceability Levels And Applying Deferred Maintenance. i-manager’s Journal on Civil Engineering, 2(3), 1-6.


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