Cubic Basis Splines to Perform Topology Optimization of Laminated Composite Regular Cylindrical and Elliptical and Hyperbolic Thin Shell Structures using Inverse Buckling Formulation

K. N. V. Chandrasekhar*, V. Bhikshma**
* Mahaveer Institute of Science and Technology, Vyasapuri, Keshavagiri, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
** University College of Engineering, Osmania University, Amberpet, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
Periodicity:March - May'2022


Laminated composites are increasingly being used in civil engineering structures. The light weight coupled with high strength has paved the way for using laminated composites in important structures such as bridges and roof shells. Isogeometric analysis using splines has been of immense interest to a structural engineer to model and analyse the structure in three dimensions. The present study is focused on using basis splines to perform topology optimisation of laminated composite thin shell structures. Three different shell have been considered elliptical, cylindrical and hyperbolic structures having simply supports on all four edges. Two different lamina have been considered 0/90/0/90, 45- 45/45/-45 for each type of simply supported shells. Inverse buckling formulation with the inverse of the buckling load is taken as the objective function to perform topology optimisation. Strength and stability criteria are included in the analysis. Deformed profile of laminates is presented here for each case of lamina using isogeometric analysis. The results of cubic basis spline based analysis are in good agreement with the results given in the literature obtained using finite element analysis.


Thin Shell, Cubic Basis Splines, Laminated Composites, Topology Optimisation, Inverse Buckling.

How to Cite this Article?

Chandrasekhar, K. N. V., and Bhikshma, V. (2022). Cubic Basis Splines to Perform Topology Optimization of Laminated Composite Regular Cylindrical and Elliptical and Hyperbolic Thin Shell Structures using Inverse Buckling Formulation. i-manager’s Journal on Civil Engineering, 12(2), 41-52.


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