First Order Basis Splines to Perform Isogeometric Topology Optimisation to Design the Outline of Bridge Pier and Analyse using Idea Statica®

P. Srilatha*, D. Narmada**, D. Tarun Kumar***, M. Arun****, D. Yuva Kumar*****, K. N. V. Chandrasekhar******
*-****** Department of Civil Engineering, Mahaveer Institute of Science and Technology, Vyasa puri, Keshavgiri, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
Periodicity:March - May'2022


Now-a-days managing the traffic in major cities is a challenging task. One of the ways is to construct flyovers over intersections and to ensure smooth signal less traffic flow. The design philosophy has now become the design norm for most of the structural systems. To provide Reinforced Concrete Flyover Bridge is very essential in all major cities like Hyderabad, Chennai, and Mumbai etc. Our study is mainly focused on design and analysis of concrete bridge pier. The present study focuses on pier of an elevated bridge which is conventionally based on force based approach. The main focus of the present study is to perform an optimal design of a reinforced concrete pier which carries the deck of the flyover. The traffic flow is taken for 2 lane flyover on each side of the median. An Isogeometric topology optimization algorithm is used to determine the outline of the bridge pier. The bridge pier is then modeled in AutoCAD and imported to IDEA StatiCa® software. The reinforcement is calculated using Indian Standard (IS) code with all the necessary checks. The distribution of material within the given domain is determined. Shear strength, bending strength and crushing strength are calculated manually for checking strength compatibility. The static analysis and buckling analysis is performed using Idea Statica® software and the results are obtained.


Idea Statica®, Isogeometric, Topology Optimization, AutoCAD, Bridge Pier.

How to Cite this Article?

Srilatha, P., Narmada, D., Kumar, D. T., Arun, M., Kumar, D. Y., and Chandrasekhar, K. N. V. (2022). First Order Basis Splines to Perform Isogeometric Topology Optimisation to Design the Outline of Bridge Pier and Analyse using Idea Statica®. i-manager’s Journal on Civil Engineering, 12(2), 15-30.


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