Awareness of Cloud Computing among the Prospective Teachers in the Modern World

D. R. Robert Joan*
Christian College of Education, Marthandam, Tamil Nadu ,India.
Periodicity:January - June'2022


Cloud computing plays a vital role in education, politics, religion, transportation, relationships, medical check-ups, and so on. In education, online courses are carried out with the help of cloud computing. In cloud computing, expert conversations and classes delivered through any electronic device are protected on the server. The user can collect any information from the server through any search engine. There are so many platforms for downloading information for users. Electronic devices are very popular in this digital world. Some companies or individuals are introducing many applications for mobile phones and computers. One of the most useful options is search engines. It is very common to collect existing information on a server and it is a good communicator between users and cloud computing systems. Prospective teachers are the future teachers who will shape future citizens. The aim of the paper is to raise awareness of cloud computing among prospective teachers. This paper used a survey method to determine cloud computing awareness among prospective teachers and includes 61 samples from the College of Education. It uses the Cloud Computing Awareness Checklist tool to collect data for the present study. Hypotheses related to family type, locality, father's profession, father's education, and parents' income were found to have no significant differences. Thus, the result showed that prospective teachers have little knowledge of cloud computing. The researcher concluded that background variables are not significant. The essential things are the funds provided and the desire to learn. This will develop awareness and finally, the educator and prospective teachers raise awareness among prospective teachers and students, respectively. Educators encourage future teachers to collect more information about cloud computing on its own or with the help of an external facilitator.


Cloud Computing, Prospective Teachers, Distance Education, Internet, Social Media.

How to Cite this Article?

Joan, D. R. R. (2022). Awareness of Cloud Computing among the Prospective Teachers in the Modern World. i-manager’s Journal on Cloud Computing, 9(1), 9-16.


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