Alternative Fine and Coarse Aggregates in Concrete: A Review

Naveena M. P.*, G. Narayana**
*-** Department of Civil Engineering, SJC Institute of Technology, Chickballapur, Karnataka, India.
Periodicity:December - February'2022


Concrete is the most commonly used material in the construction industry, with concrete aggregates accounting for 75 percent of the volume. Due to their primary consumption, natural aggregates are subject to depletion, leading to environmental problems. Therefore is an urgent need to develop or manufacture aggregates. This paper critically reviews the available literature on the development of manufactured aggregate for use in cement concrete. This paper has reviewed the literature on available raw materials for the production of aggregates, the properties of aggregates and their suitability in concrete mix. From the review of literature, it was found that the aggregates manufactured with the use of fly ash, plastic waste, oil palm fuel ash, and quarry dust have better properties compared to natural aggregates. The compressive strength of artificial aggregate concrete is 15-20% less than conventional natural aggregate concrete, but still meets the requirements of applications.


Concrete Aggregates, Alternative Aggregate, Fly Ash.

How to Cite this Article?

Naveena, M. P., and Narayana, G. (2022). Alternative Fine and Coarse Aggregates in Concrete: A Review. i-manager’s Journal on Civil Engineering, 12(1), 35-42.


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