Importance of Functional Requirements Prioritization: ODOO ERP as Case Study

Muhammad Yaseen*, Aida Mustapha **, Noraini Ibrahim ***, Atta Ur Rahman ****, Syed Wajid Kamal *****, Ijaz Ahmad ******
*-*** Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Malaysia.
**** COMSATS University Islamabad, Pakistan.
***** Abasyn University, Peshawar, Pakistan.
****** University of Malakand, Chakdara, Pakistan.
Periodicity:April - June'2020


Functional Requirements (FRs) are core low level requirements of software that must be implemented in order to fulfill high level user requirements and business goals. FRs do not exist independently but are inter-related. Identifying pre-requisite FRs are necessary during user requirements prioritization and development of these requirements. For developing large size requirements of enterprises, identifying these pre-requisite FRs are more necessary as some of these requirements are common for more than one module of these enterprises. Using ODOO ERP as case study, importance of identifying dependencies in FRs during prioritization and implementation is discussed in detail. With prioritization, effect of interdependencies in FRs in parallel developer's team members can be significantly reduced. With reduced interdependencies, time implementation and delivery of software requirements can be assured. Using graph-based approach, inter-related FRs are assigned priority values. Prioritized FRs with similar priority are assigned to priority groups. The proposed graph-based approach is applied on FRs of ODOO ERP and prioritized requirements are analyzed based on priority groups of different sizes. The results of analysis show that inter-dependencies in FRs of parallel developers can be reduced priority groups.


Requirement Analysis, On-Demand Open Object (ODOO), ERP, Functional Requirement

How to Cite this Article?

Yaseen, M., Mustapha, A., Ibrahim, N., Rahman, A. U., Kamal, S. W., and Ahmad, I. (2020). Importance of Functional Requirements Prioritization: ODOO ERP as Case Study. i-manager's Journal on Software Engineering, 14(4), 1-10.


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