Reprocessing of Glass Material in Enhancing Cement Mortar with Coarse Aggregates

0*, Syed Afzal Basha **, S. Vinay Babu ***, Sivananda Reddy Y. ****
*-**** Department of Civil Engineering, G. Pullaiah College of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous), Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Periodicity:September - November'2020


The possibility of recycling mixed colour waste glass for manufacturing decorative architectural mortars, has been investigated. In mortars, the 0–33–66–100% of calcareous gravel volume has been replaced with recycled glass cullets, with no other inorganic addition. To mitigate the possible alkali–silica reaction, mixes with a hydrophobic admixture were also compared. The obtained results show that the replacement of calcareous gravel with glass cullets of similar grain size distribution permits to reduce the dosage of the superplasticizer admixture to obtain the same workability of fresh mortar; it does not affect significantly the mechanical performances, the water vapour permeability and the capillary water absorption but it reduces significantly the drying shrinkage deformation. The used recycled glass is classified as no reactive in terms of alkali–silica reaction neither in water nor in NaOH solution following the parameters of the current normative, even in the absence of the hydrophobic admixture. The hydrophobic admixture further delays the expansion trigger but not the speed of its propagation.


Glass Waste, Construction Mortar, Alkali - Silica Reaction, Compressive Strength.

How to Cite this Article?

Anand, K., Basha, S. A., Babu, S. V., and Reddy, S. Y. (2020). Reprocessing of Glass Material in Enhancing Cement Mortar with Coarse Aggregates. i-manager's Journal on Civil Engineering, 10(4), 23-33.


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