Identification of Pedestrian Black Spots using ARCGIS and Improvements in Road Stretches

Varun. R. G.*, L. Durga prashanth**, Vibhav H. V.***
*-*** Department of Civil Engineering, Rashtreeya Vidyalaya College of Engineering, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
Periodicity:September - November'2020


It is estimated that 1.35 million individuals expire from road collisions and that over 50 million people are injured globally last year. Road traffic deaths were predicted to be the world's third important reason of death by 2020, and minute work is done to reverse this trend. Road injuries include several dynamic variables that impact the accident to varying degrees and how to identify these variables and differentiate between relationships are the most important problems in trying to avoid and minimize black spots on the route. Based on the category of roads, five road stretches are selected for the study. Data collection are made by collecting the existing road features condition. 223 First Investigation Report (FIR) copies related to study area were obtained from the concerned 12 police stations for three years (2017,2018,2019). The main objectives of the project are analysis of different characteristics of the blackspot such as time of occurrence, type of injuries and the type of vehicle involvement in pedestrian accidents along the stretch. Weighted severity index is used to determine the severity of accidents. Identification of black spot location for pedestrians using kernel density tool in ArcGIS software. Identification of parameters contributing for accidents, and provide countermeasures to reduce the accident rate.


Pedestrian Blackspot, Weighted Severity Index (WSI), ArcGIS, Kernel Density, Defects, Counter Measures.

How to Cite this Article?

Varun, R. G., Prashanth, L. D., and Vibhav, H. V. (2020). Identification of Pedestrian Black Spots using ARCGIS and Improvements in Road Stretches. i-manager's Journal on Civil Engineering, 10(4), 1-14.


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