2+, N+ , NH, Hα , and Hβ species exist in the plasma nitriding process,  but nitrogen ions (N+) was the most dominant species. Hydrogen plays a significant role in the plasma nitriding process. It was reported that surface hardness and case depth were maximum for the gas ratio of 10% N2 and 90% H2 . The effect of various plasma nitriding process parameters and role of various alloying elements in the plasma nitriding process have been also discussed. If the steel has strong nitride forming elements (Cr, Al, Mo, etc.) under low concentration (~ 1-2%), the diffusion depth and hardness will be more. In the non-ferrous alloys, plasma nitrided samples have two or three distinct layers that depends on the plasma reactivity. Nitrided layer increases only until the critical time and temperature  (4500C) were reached.


A Review on Plasma Ion Nitriding (PIN) Process

Ravindra Kumar*, Dheeraj Bhardwaj**, Y. C. Sharma***
* Associate Lecturer, Department of Physics, Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Jaipur Campus, Rajasthan, India.
** Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Jaipur Campus, Rajasthan, India.
*** Dean, Research & Development and Professor, Department of Physics, Vivekananda Global University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.
Periodicity:April - June'2018
DOI : https://doi.org/10.26634/jms.6.1.14000


In this review paper, an effort has been made to understand the plasma ion nitriding process and other existing nitriding processes used in industries. The solubility of nitrogen atoms in the steel matrix have been explained through Fe-N system. The formation of different stable and metastable compounds during nitriding process has been discussed. Different types of nitriding processes have been thoroughly reviewed with their advantages and disadvantages. It was found that plasma ion nitriding process is more reliable as compared to other existing processes in use. Important results of diagnostics and its applications to improve the mechanical and chemical (corrosion) properties of ferrous and non ferrous alloys have been discussed. It was found that N2+, N+ , NH, Hα , and Hβ species exist in the plasma nitriding process,  but nitrogen ions (N+) was the most dominant species. Hydrogen plays a significant role in the plasma nitriding process. It was reported that surface hardness and case depth were maximum for the gas ratio of 10% N2 and 90% H2 . The effect of various plasma nitriding process parameters and role of various alloying elements in the plasma nitriding process have been also discussed. If the steel has strong nitride forming elements (Cr, Al, Mo, etc.) under low concentration (~ 1-2%), the diffusion depth and hardness will be more. In the non-ferrous alloys, plasma nitrided samples have two or three distinct layers that depends on the plasma reactivity. Nitrided layer increases only until the critical time and temperature  (4500C) were reached.


Plasma Nitriding, Surface Hardness, Wear Resistance, Corrosion.

How to Cite this Article?

Kumar, R., Bhardwaj, D., and Sharma,Y. C. (2018). A Review on Plasma Ion Nitriding (PIN) Process. i-manager’s Journal on Material Science, 6(1), 31-44. https://doi.org/10.26634/jms.6.1.14000


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