Implementing Preserved Access of Cloud Networking

Kaki Leela Prasad*, Pilaka Anusha**
*-** Assistant Professor, Vignan's Institute of Information Technology, Visakhapatnam, India.
Periodicity:January - June'2017


Cloud computing is an emerging technology for providing Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), and Security-as-a-Service (SaaS), which offers reduced capital expenditure, maintenance, complexity and we require a new security mechanism for distributed computing and server client computing. In this scenario, the authors have proposed a “Preserved access for cloud networking” that supports anonymous authentication for security issues. In this scheme, cloud performs some verification procedure to validate the authenticity of user and also has an added feature of access control in which only valid user can able to decrypt the stored data and also prevent replay attacks. Also they have addressed another important feature called user revocation when any user performs malicious operations on stored data.


Access Control, Authentication of User, Attribute Based Signatures, Attribute Based Encryption, Cloud Storage.

How to Cite this Article?

Prasad. K., and Anusha. P (2017). Implementing Preserved Access of Cloud Networking. i-manager's Journal on Cloud Computing, 4(1), 8-14.


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