Information Replication in Cloud Computing Datacenters Using Most Efficient Overall Performance and Safety

M. Saraswathi Mani*, V. Ramya**
* Research Scholar, Department of Computer Science, Government College (Autonomous), Nandanam, Chennai, India.
** Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Government College (Autonomous), Nandanam, Chennai, India.
Periodicity:August - October'2016


The online records storage, a cloud utility wishes clients to move the records in cloud's virtualized and shared environment to be able to end in numerous safety issues. Pooling, a property of a cloud, permits the resources (assets) to be shared among numerous clients. Moreover, the shared assets are additionally reassigned to various users at a few occurrence of them, which can gradually end in an information compromise through data recovery methodologies. Multi-tenant virtualized surroundings could likely result in a VM to urge away the bounds of virtual tool screen (VM). The open VM can intervene with entirely different VM to get entry to unauthorized data. In addition, multi-tenant virtualized network gets right to entry for flexible data privacy and integrity. Additionally, to improve the retrieval time; the information is fragmented over the nodes. The results of the simulations explain protection and performance have resulted in increased security level of information.


Cloud Computing, Fragmentation, T-Coloring and Replication, Security.

How to Cite this Article?

Mani. S. M., and Ramya. V. (2016). Information Replication In Cloud Computing Datacenters Using Most Efficient Overall Performance And Safety. i-manager’s Journal on Cloud Computing, 3(4), 26-33.


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