Cloud-Based ERP for Arab Manufacturing Firms

Subramaniam Arunachalam*, Mohammad Alsadi**, Aloysius A. Edohis***
*-*** School of Architecture, Computing and Engineering, University of East London, UK.
Periodicity:August - October'2016


Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is a successful technique of integrating business processes to one computer system so that the information is easily available and accessible to everybody in the system. Even though the technique is successful and helps in reducing the lead times, inventory costs, labour costs, etc., the adoption rate is very low in Arab. This study focuses on the problem areas that Arab companies face while implementing ERP in their business processes. The study explores how ERP can be implemented successfully in Arab medium sized manufacturing firms and to understand why only some firms are able to implement ERP successfully, while others experience ERP failure. The study involves an empirical analysis to identify the issues and barriers in adopting ERP and outlines a research methodology to establish a novel framework to implement cloud-based ERP suitable for Arab manufacturing firms.


ERP, Cloud Computing, Manufacturing, SMEs

How to Cite this Article?

Arunachalam. S., Alsadi. M., and Edoh. A. (2016). Cloud-Based ERP for Arab Manufacturing Firms. i-manager’s Journal on Cloud Computing, 3(4), 1-6.


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