Users Satisfaction In Library Services In Nehru Institute Of Engineering And Technology (NIET) At Coimbatore: A Study

C.S Chandra Mohan Kumar *  J. Dominic **
* Department of Library Science, Karpagam University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
** Central Library, Karunya University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.


The knowledge of Information Communication Technology (ICT) facilities utilized to the e- resources at the Nehru Institute of Engineering and Technology. A questionnaire was prepared to elicit opinion from the (ICT) users. Response was gathered from 80 UG students form the engineering college. The availability of the right information at the right time and the right from all most importance to the users for their knowledge and development infrastructures activities. It has been in this study to know about the status of ICT infrastructure in the engineering college library in the Coimbatore region. The survey provides information about the resource users benefits of e-resources.

Keywords :


Information Communication Technology (ICT) applications during the past few decades have brought radical changes in this way of information is very use full, stored, accessed by the retrieve and consumed by the (ICT) users, ICT processing brought several products and services. The complexity and tremendous pressure of users for the better and quality services have forced the librarians to find solutions for efficient and effective management of their quality of the library. The availability of right information is the right time and in the right form is almost importance of the user for their knowledge and development of activities [1-4].

The internet and web are constantly influencing the development of new model of communication technology the resources have been changed as a powerful media of the communication technology. The potential of delivering the goods is quite vast as they overcome successfully the geographical limitations associated with the print media. Development in information and communication technology have greatly changed the methods of information handling ICT has long standing influence in almost all areas of human activity.

1. NIET library

Nehru Institute of Engineering and Technology central library which made its modest beginning in 2006 with 5,500 books only has now come to acquire a rich collection of 30,000 volumes up to July 2012. Our library subscribes to 169 national and international journal and also provided access to e-journal like j-gate, delnet library under AICTE consortium. It covers all areas in engineering, science and humanities, and master of business management, there is a campus –wide networking all the facilities members and pg students can access eresources in their respective department, internals labs as well as in the library.

2. Objectives of the Study

3. Scope of Limitation of the Study area

The present study is intended to look into the use of Information Communication Technology in libraries of Nehru institute of technology, Coimbatore.

4. Methodology

The nature of the present study required the survey of the engineering college libraries. In addition information was also obtained from library.

5. Data Analysis and Interpretation

Table 1 shows the satisfaction level derived by the respondents was analyzed, the data shows 55.25% of the respondents have opined that the functioning of the library is satisfied, where as 30.25% of the respondents have judged it as highly satisfied and 14.50% of the respondents have said it as not satisfied (Figure 1).

Table 2 shows the analysis of data related to the satisfaction of the books in the library. Out of 80 respondents almost 45 (56.25%) of the respondents are satisfied, whereas 15 (18.75%) of the respondents are highly satisfied and 20 (25%) of the respondents are not satisfied (Figure 2).

Table 3 shows that Opinion 38(47.50%) of very good respondents of the level of how far the library environment is helpful in reading, 35(43.75%) of good opinion of respondent, 5(6.25%) of poor opinion of respondent of the library users (Figure 3).

Table 4 show that Opinion 33(41.25%) of computerized availability of the boos in the library, 32(40%) manual search, 15(18.75%) of Web opac (Figure 4).

Figure 1. Functioning of the Library

Table 1. Respondent's satisfaction level about the functioning of the library

Figure 2. Satisfaction on the Book available in the Library

Table 2. Respondent's satisfaction on the book available in the library

Figure 3. How far the Library Environment is helpful in Reading

Table 3. Respondent's level of how far the Library Environment is helpful in Reading

Figure 4. Availability of the Books in the library

Table 4. Respondents know the availability of the books in the library

Table 5 shows that the total number of respondents 80, books 46 respondents high, 24 respondents very poor, back volumes high 38, very poor 80, periodicals high 53, poor 40, E-Journal high 56 respondents, 20 poor respondents-Books 480 high, 40 very poor, Non-Book Materials 36 high, 60 very poor, newspapers 56 respondents high, 24 very high respondents of the opinion on reading materials are sufficient of the users of the library opinion (Figure 5). Table 6 shows that the total no of distribution is daily 28(35%), monthly 11(13.75%) of respondents. Table 7 show that Respondents is convenient 56(70%), very convenient 16(20%), inconvenient is 08(10%).

In Table 8, Among the respondents in whole, 05(6.25% )of the respondents were using the library up to 10min, 18 (22.50%) of the respondents were using the library up to 10 – 20 min, 17(21.25%) of the respondents were using up to 20 – 30 min, 11(13.75%) of the respondents were using up to 30 – 40 min, 09(11.25%) of the respondents were using the library more than one hour and 20(25 %) of the respondents were using whenever they get 1 hour .

Table 5. User's opinions on reading materials are sufficient

Figure 5. Opinions on Reading Materials are Sufficient

Table 6. Distribution of Responds Visit Library

Figure 6. Visiters Visiting Library

Table 7. Respondent's present library timing from 9 am to 7 pm

Figure 7. Present Library Timing from 9 am to 7 pm

Table 8. Users opinion on the spend in library daily

Figure 8. Spend in Library Daily

From Table 9, the analyzed data showed the usage opinion on arrangement of books in the library by the respondents. 43(53.75%) of the respondents were satisfied with the arrangement of books, whereas 14(17.50%) of the respondents are highly satisfied with this system 23(28.75%) of the respondents are not satisfied with the arrangement of books in the library. (Figure 9).

Regarding the services and facilities the opinion of the respondents were analyzed as stated above. It shows 42(52.50%) of the respondents said that services and facilities are good and 33(41.25%) of the respondents are satisfied. Not satisfactory 05(6.25%) (Figure 10).

Regarding the services and facilities the opinion of the respondents were analyzed as stated above. It shows 425(53.125%) of the respondents said that services and facilities are good and 255(31.875%) of the respondents are satisfied. (Figure 11).

Table 9. Users level of satisfaction arrangement of library books

Figure 9. Satisfaction Arrangement of Library Books

Table 10. Respondent's Satisfaction Level about the Behavior of Library Staffs

Figure 10. Behavior of library staffs

Table 11. Distribution respondent's satisfactory level about the services and facilities of the library

Figure 11. Satisfactory level about the services and facilities of the library

6. Findings and Conclusion


There is no about that the Nehru institute of Engineering and Technology library have enough resources for the users, Readers are utilizing ICT based services in the library. the library have sufficient readers services to full fill study requirements of users and to enhance utilized study requirements o the users and to enhance utilization of the library resources it has been felt that from time to time these library should organize for students to exploit library resources.


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