An Effective Lossy Color Image Compression Using Multi Transforms

I. Murali Krishna *  Challa Narsimham **  A. S. N. Chakravarthy ***
* Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh, India.
** Vignan's Institute of Information Technology, Vishakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India.
*** Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University College of Engineering, Vizayanagaram, Andhra Pradesh, India.


Rapidly growing use of multimedia products in diagnosis is affected by insufficient network and computer storage, as most of these applications use images of large data size. Compression is also important for reducing the size of images, particularly at lower bit rates, and it helps to avoid the use of additional memory and bandwidth in cloud storage. Image compression is classified into two types: lossy compression and lossless compression. The lossy compression technique can be used for medical image diagnosis while maintaining decoded image quality and achieving a high compression ratio, thus increasing device efficiency and reducing network bandwidth for transmission. In this paper, we propose a novel lossy colour image compression approach based on multi transforms such as DWT, SWT, and curvelets. The proposed work focused on an image compression technique based on DWT interpolation of high frequency sub-bands, correction of high frequency sub-band estimation using SWT high frequency sub-band and curvelets and comparison of the resulting images to current lossy compression techniques. Multi transforms compressed images have a high compression rate while maintaining good image quality.

Keywords :


Transmission of digital images are challenging with the growing number of images, their sizes, real-time interaction with compressed images, and the variety of bandwidths on which transmission needs to be supported. In this work we study the various compression techniques in images to achieve high compression rate and low storage at cloud environment and propose a novel method on Lossy Color Image Compression using frequency transforms. The most critical problems that occur during compression are discussed below.

Image compressions are basically classified as lossy compression and lossless compression. The image compression rate in lossy compression is very high, but most lossy image compression techniques do not maintain image quality resulting in data loss and decoded images are not identical to the original image. As a result, the lossy compression technique can be used for medical image diagnosis while maintaining decoded image quality and achieving a high compression ratio, improving computing device performance and reducing network bandwidth for transmission.

Image data compression compresses information such that it takes up less storage space and uses less bandwidth on a data transmission channel. Compression systems are used by communications devices such as modems, bridges, and routers to increase throughput over standard phone lines or wireless LAN. Image compression is essential for web designers who want to build faster loading web pages, which will make the website more available to the users.

Image compression is also essential for people who attach images to emails so that the email can be sent faster and bandwidth costs can be reduced. Larger file size irritates users because the email takes a long time to download and consumes valuable bandwidth. By delivering high quality images in a fraction of the file size, image compression would also save you a lot of excessive bandwidth. Image compression is more critical for digital camera users and people who save a lot of images on their hard drive or flash drive. One can store more files on the storage devices by compressing the images or download more file by spending less on storage device. Image Compressor, on the other hand, prevents you from compressing your image too much with its Digital Eye function. Digital Eye Function works in the way similar to human vision. It senses the quality and adjusts the compression level until both the quality and file size are at their best.

The proposed method is as follows: DCT, DWT-SWT, and Curvelets compression techniques are used to compress geospatial colour images and colour medical images. Both DWT and DCT compression techniques are used in this approach to compress images at a high compression rate, while SWT and Curvelets retain image contrast and resolution at a high compression rate. This approach is simple to use and produces satisfactory results. This compression technique is put to the test on a variety of medical and geospatial images with varying compression factors (i.e., DWT and DCT quantization factors). The compression ratio increases as the quantization factors increase, while the quality measurement (PSNR) decreases. The proposed approach achieves higher compression ratios while avoiding blocking and echoing artifacts allowing accurate spatial and frequency localization. Scaling is introduced by transforming the entire image with higher compression ratio and better recognition of data as it is important for human interpretation. Experiments show that when the Daubechies 7 (db7) wavelets are used for DWT and SWT and the quantization factor is less than 0.5, the quality of the compressed geospatial images is preserved. When the quantization factor is greater than 0.5, the constructed image begins to lose its quality after compression. For quantization, the amplitude values must be digitised. If the amplitude values are quantized, compression will occur up to a certain threshold. The picture quality of the image degrades further if the compression is performed above the threshold value of 0.5.

We propose a novel approach on "A Lossy Color Image Compression using Transforms" to reduce large amount of storage and a large network bandwidth for image transfer which are limitations of existing technology which affects medical image transmission in developing countries having limited internet infrastructure. The main goal of the paper is to improve cloud storage by compression of the image and reduce bandwidth in communication channels while transmitting large quantities of images or video live streaming.

1. Related Work

Image compression is the process of reducing the size of an original image but which can also be seen with the naked eye. Lossy compression and lossless compression are the two forms of image compression.

1.1 Lossless Compression

Lossless compression means that no information in the image is lost. Some of the methods used in lossless compression are:

1.2 Lossy Compression

Lossy compression is the loss of image information, and there are many types.

The first step in the methodology is to identify the problem (Cabeen & Gent, n.d.). The EEG data is segmented into N segments, then compressed using DCT for each segment. The coefficients below the threshold are then reset to zero. Finally, RLE is used to compress the resulting data. It minimises the dense appearance known as blocking artefact that occurs when the boundaries between subimages become visible in the future scope.

The approach uses curvelets and a logarithmic scalar quantization technique to compress still images. In terms of image quality and compression rate, a new compression method based on Geometric Wavelets called Curvelets, combined with logarithmic Scalar Quantization, has been developed to increase compression performance over classical wavelets (PSNR and CR) (Kadri & Baarir, 2016).

Medical Image Perceptual Quality Assessment is explained by Liu et al. (2017). The technique is where it focuses on the methodologies used to calculate the Perceptual Quality of Medical Images using Magnetic Resonance (MR) image acquisition and Computed Tomography(CT), with the benefit of using both the AUC (area under the ROC curve) and the KS (Kolmogorov- Smirnov) analysis. The current results show that in Compression Ratio (CR) by using these quality metrics, SSIM performs best. The future goal is to enhance the design of novel medical imaging methods and systems that can provide even better image quality at a lower cost. The advantage of memory efficient image compression method using DWT has been applied to Histogram-Based Block Optimization (Halder et al., 2019). In the methodology, the image compression is an important task for storing images in digital format, and the advantage is that the results obtained from this technique are compared to JPEG and JPEG2000 standards, which shows a fast alternative to other compression methods for the future.

A study on the comparison of DCT, DWT, and hybrid techniques was done by Gajanan (2011). The whole image is loaded to the encoder side first, then we conduct RGB to GRAY conversion, after that the whole image is divided into small N x N blocks (here N corresponds to the DCT is applied to each block working from left to right, top to bottom in the compression procedure) (Gajanan, 2011).

Chen et al. (2016) introduced a new image compression algorithm called Shape Adaptive Image Compression that takes advantage of local characteristics for image compression. Image Compression using the Digital Curvelet Transform and the HWT as MCA image compression has always been a hot topic in academia (Kaur & Verma, 2013). The combined optimization problem provided by the model for separating images into texture and piecewise smooth parts is solved using a highly efficient numerical scheme. The MCA used in image decomposition in the proposed multi-layered image coding schemes is done using the Haar wavelet transform, which decomposes the image into four frequency subbands.

Douak et al. (2011) in their paper considered the creation of a lossy image compression algorithm dedicated to colour still images using a colour image compression algorithm based on the DCT transform combined with adaptive block scanning. Large memory access bandwidth is the main throughput bottleneck in high definition (HD) video coders (Li et al., 2017). Lossless image compression algorithm and hardware architecture for bandwidth reduction of external memory is developed. Curvelets and logarithmic scalar quantization technique for still image compression were explained by Kadri and Baarir (2016).

There is no noticeable difference between a superior lossy compression calculation and a lossless compression calculation. Lossy compression can be effective for finding, according to research. Displaying provides a more accurate representation as well as more lossy impact (Logeswaran, 2008). More uniform districts can be seen in a significant portion of the clinical images. Higher unearthly segments can be either filled with few parts or erased entirely by portraying any valid limit esteem. After using the pressure measurement with the limit, the visual inspection revealed that an investigation of the morphology and elements of the heart had no effect on the groupings (Rebelo et al., 1993). The volumetric partner will transmit images with a visual quality that can be considered useful in any situation. To use volumetric clinical videos, explicitly prescribe it with any compression standard (Bruylants et al., 2015).

To overcome the multi co-linearity problem, Chen and Tseng (2007) proposed the flexible forecast methodology, which uses three expectation conditions for different wavelet sub-groups to achieve a more precise prediction. Data from clinical imaging examinations, on the other hand can be put to various uses with possibly various necessities for constancy in CT, MRI, bosom MRI, lung knobs, accurate and sequential investigations, and other pathology requirements (Chen & Tseng, 2007).

As compared to 2-D wavelet compression, 3-D wavelet compression produces better results. At a PSNR of 50 dB, the compression proportion for 3-D is around 70% higher than that of 2-D for CT medical image sets and 35% higher for MR image sets (Wang & Huang, 1996). Zukoski et al. (2006) suggested a novel model-based compression technique that makes use of radiologists' clinically relevant places. Lossless compression, which is used in clinically important image areas, is accompanied by lossy compression (Zukoski et al., 2006). Although lossless compression techniques are acknowledged to be limited in use due to their modest compression exhibitions, there is no agreement on lossy pressure strategies in the clinical imaging group. A number of researches and surveys support the safe use of lossy compression in clinical imaging and have prompted a few expert groups to develop guidelines for its use in clinical practise (Liu et al., 2017). The use of wavelet transforms on medical image datasets provides better results in image fusion of MRI and CT images (Grandhe et al., 2017).

The remarkable development in the field of information technology and the diversity of multimedia applications in recent years imply the development of more efficient image compression techniques to improve the data transmission and storage capacity.

2. Proposed System

In the proposed system, we start with a colour image and then add salt and pepper additive noise, which is then filtered using the median filter method to improve the proposed model's reliability. The resulting images are then colour fused using the sieving process, and curvelet is applied to each R, G, and B channel separately to retain the curve information since the majority of the image visual aspects are in a curve manner. Figure 1 shows the proposed multi transforms system.

Figure 1.Flowchart of Proposed Multi Transform System

2.1 Step1: Preprocessing

Preprocessing images commonly involves removing low frequency background noise, normalizing the intensity of the individual particles images, removing reflections, and masking portions of images. Image preprocessing is the technique of enhancing data images prior to computational processing.

2.2 Step2: Sieving

Sieving is a filter in image compression that we use in this case since the colour image has three planes: red, green, and blue. It's the step that comes after preprocessing before the curve starts spinning. Our data is now in the form of an image, which is being sieved using the red, green, and blue planes.

2.3 Step3: Combined DWT+SWT Based on Interpolation

The interpolated high frequency sub-bands, and the SWT high frequency sub-bands, are the same size, implying that they would be similar. For greater enlargement, the latest corrected high frequency sub-bands are often interpolated further. In the moving ridge domain, it is well known that the low resolution image is obtained by low pass filtering of the high resolution image. In other words, the low frequency sub-band is the first image's low resolution. As a result, rather than targeting the low-frequency sub-band which contains less information than the first high-resolution image, we prefer to target the input image for low frequency sub-band interpolation. The standard of the super resolved image would be improved by using the victimisation input image rather than the low frequency sub-band.

2.3.1 Algorithm: Selective_Threshold

Step1: for s = 2:length(C)

thresh= 3*sigma + sigma*(s == length(C));

Step2: for w = 1:length(C{s})

Ct{s}{w}= C{s}{w}.* (abs(C{s}{w}) >



2.4 Step4: Discrete Curvelet Transform

Curvlets are non-adaptive technique for multi-scale object representation.Being an extension of the wavelet concept they are becoming popular in similar fields namely in image processing and scientific computing.

2.4.1 Algorithm: Discrete_curvelet_transform

Step1: consider the processed image

Step2: crop the image using size as 256 using .05 scale Factor

Step 3: sigma = .06;

M = M0 + randn(n)*sigma;

Step4: chose the threshold value based on step3

T = 3/4*sigma;

% transform / threshold / inverse

Step5: C = curvelet_transform(M,options);

CT = thresholding(C,T);

MC = curvelet_transform (CT,options);

2.4.2 Procedure: Curvlets Construction

There are two main concepts that should be followed.

3. Results and Discussions

Table 1 shows the performance metrics for image compression. Table 2 lists the comparison results on BPP with multi transform image compression and other methods.

Table 1. Performance Metrics for Image Compression

Table 2. Comparison Results on BPP with Multi Transform Image Compression and Other Methods

Figure 2 shows the generated multi transform image compression output on generic images with high rate of image compression and high image quality.

Figure 2. Generated Multi Transform Image Compression Output

Figure 3 depicts the stage wise original, compressed and decompressed image generated using multi transform method.

Figure 3. Stage-wise Generated Image using Multi Transform

With a high degree of image compression and high image quality, the image compression output visually is important in medical diagnosis images.


The proposed work focused on an image compression technique based on the interpolation of the high frequency sub bands obtained by DWT, correcting the high frequency sub-band estimation by using SWT high frequency sub-bands, and the input image. DWT is used to decompose an image into different sub-bands, and then the high frequency sub-band images have been interpolated. The interpolated high frequency sub-band coefficients have been corrected by using the high frequency sub-bands achieved by SWT of the input image. An original image is interpolated with half of the interpolation factor used for interpolating the high frequency sub-bands. Later, all these images have been combined using IDCT to generate a reconstructed image. The reconstructed image achieves high image quality, more compression rate and highly reduces the usage of the network bandwidth in cloud environment.


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