Survey of Various Simulator Tools for Wireless Sensor Network

Jaya Mishra *  Jaspal Bagga **  Siddhartha Choubey ***  Abha Choubey ****
*-**** Department of Electronics & Telecommunication, Shri Shankaracharya Technical Campus, Junwani, Bhilai, Chhattisgarh, India.


Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a developing area of research. In this development of sensor network applications, monitoring data volume, monitoring the well-being of the wireless sensor node, data manipulation and representation demonstrates a range of challenges and has become a critical component of sensor networks. Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), which comprise of spatially distributed self-configurable sensors, impeccably meet the prerequisite. Since running real experiments is expensive and tedious, recreation is basic to contemplate WSNs, being the normal method to test new applications and conventions in the field, it requires a reasonable model dependent on strong assumptions and a suitable framework to ease usage. Moreover, recreation results depend on the specific situation under investigation (environment), equipment and physical layer, which are not typically exact enough to catch the real behavior of a WSN, accordingly, risking the validity of results. In any case, because of the enormous number of hubs that need to be replicated depending on the application, identified models must be evaluated for scalability and execution problems. The goal of this study is to present a definite review of various simulator tools for WSNs which will help further research in the field.

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When a new idea develops in the mind of the researcher, it is just the beginning of a long, challenging experience towards solutions and results. As a rule, innovative concepts involve a specific design of experiment, for practically testing the concept, rather than just using pen and paper. It is undeniable that the use of a frameworks or software programming or simulations would be the key way of achieving the objective, easily and quickly. Initially, it may seem clear that all we have to do is find a suitable project and get the work done; unfortunately, this may not always work. With our research experience, searching for the right environment for Wireless Sensor Network simulations is big challenge. In this work, we try to identify a few for the benefit of future researches. There are a few studies (Buschmann et al., 2005; Levis et al., 2003; Pinto et al., 2006; Turon, 2005) on the sensor networks test systems covering the test systems.

In any case, in WSNs, two explicit components emerge:

This reality has brought an ongoing impact of new applications available to show WSN. Nevertheless, acquiring trustworthy closures from research subject to generation is definitely not a minor problem. There are two key points that should be assessed before directing analyses:

On one hand, there exists an expanding concern about the philosophy and suppositions of reproductions (Levis et al., 2003; Pinto et al., 2006). Idealized equipment, shows and non-realistic radio models can prompt stirred up results. A "better than average" model reliant on solid presumptions is obligatory to infer trustful outcomes. In any case, including the important degree of detail includes strong computational requirements. The gigantic amounts of center points that may be locked in with a WSN further weight the issue. The main tradeoff is: Accuracy and need of detail versus execution and adaptability. On the other hand, actualizing a full fledged model requires a broad effort. A framework that develops a model is required, and the end-user faces the assignment of choosing the appropriate one.

1. WSNs Networks Simulation Tools

1.1 SensorSim

SensorSim (Park et al., 2000) expands on the NS-2 test system providing extra capabilities for displaying WSNs. The key features of this stage are power and correspondence show models; sensing channel and sensor models; circumstance age; and backing for hybrid re-enactments. Individuals all in all appearance of the SensorSim suite of apparatuses was pulled back as a result of its incomplete nature and the disappointment of makers to give the necessary level of help.

1.2 SensorSim-II

SensorSim-II (Castillo et al., 2008; Wagenknecht et al., 2008) is written in an isolated style, where sensor center points are sifted through into three components: application, network, and association. The work in SensorSim-II may be disconnected into two areas: the test system focus and the representation instruments. The test system focus essentially manages an assortment of self-sufficient sensor center points all through time. The perception apparatuses give points of view on both individual center state and correspondence traffic between centers. Both SensorSim adventures are open source and permitted to use. In any case, the test systems are constrained in their authenticity in light of the fact that (beside SensorSim's capacity modules) neither one of the test systems thinks about the confined resources of sensor centers, for instance, memory, and ongoing computational ability. In addition, it is not continually required by the WSN to support the logical accuracy and additionally, to give execution guarantees. SensorSim reproduces the complete WSN show stack, despite the way this can be seen as unnecessary overabundance and adding pointless intricacy as this is not required in order to copy the typical lead. This makes the SensorSim organize capricious and difficult to use the Sensors, Transducers, Signal Conditioning and Wireless Sensors Networks.


TOSSIM (Levis et al., 2003) which is a bit of the TinyOS progression (Pinto et al., 2006). TOSSIM is a discrete-event test system for TinyOS applications (Levis et al., 2003). It intends to help TinyOS application improvement and investigating by ordering applications into the TOSSIM framework, which runs on a PC instead of assembling them for a bit. Utilizing the TOSSIM structure, ventures can be direct engaged without modification. This gives users a more prominent edge to investigate, test, and examin the computations in a controlled and repeatable condition. In TOSSIM, all center points share accurately a similar code, replicated at bit granularity, and accepting static center point availability is known ahead of time. In this way, TOSSIM is to a more noteworthy in a TinyOS emulator than a general WSN test system. It bases on recreating TinyOS rather than reenacting this present reality. In any case, this may put a couple of limitations on the target arrangement. TOSSIM is not typically the correct diversion strategy; like in any multiplication, it organizes a few hypotheses about the intended resources, focusing on rendering some trustworthy configurations (Levis et al., 2003).

1.4 GloMoSim

GloMoSim (Aberer et al., 2007; Davcev et al., 2008; Zeng et al., 1998). This is a versatile recreation condition for wireless and wired network systems. Its parallel discrete-event design remembers it from most other sensor network test systems. In spite of the way that it is a general network test system, GloMoSim now supports arrangements uniquely for wireless networks. GloMoSim is created utilizing a layered strategy like the seven-layer network plan of the OSI model. It uses standard APIs between different re-enactment layers to permit quick adjustments of models made at different layers, possibly by different users. As in NS-2, GloMoSim uses an synchronized procedure, anyway for scalability purposes; each article is answerable for running one layer in the show of every center point. This arrangement methodology isolates the overhead administration of a tremendous scale network. GloMoSim has been viewed as compelling for recreating IP networks, not fit for mimicking sensor networks unequivocally (Fan & Biagioni, 2004; Jurdak et al., 2011; Miyashita et al., 2005; Shu et al., 2008; Yang et al., 2006). And also, GloMoSim does not support wonders, all events must be amassed from neighboring center points in the network. Finally, in 2000, GloMoSim stopped releasing and released a business item called QualNet.

1.5 QualNet

QualNet (Aireen et al., 2017) is a business network test system apparatus released by Scalable Network Technologies that is released from GloMoSim. QualNet in a general sense, widens the course of action of models and shows reinforced by GloMoSim. It similarly gives a far reaching course of action of cutting edge wireless modules and simple to utilize apparatuses for building circumstances and researching re-enactment results. QualNet is a discrete-event test system, everything thought of it as, is event driven and time careful. It uses a layered plan that is constrained by each center point.


OPNET (Chen et al., 2019) is a further discrete event, object oriented, extensively valuable network test system. The engine of OPNET is a restricted state machine model in blend in with a sensible model. It uses a dynamic model to describe each nature of the structure. The top movement level contains the network model, where the topology is structured. The ensuing level describes the data stream models. The third level is the method manager, which handles control stream models described in the resulting level. Finally, a parameter editor is consolidated to help the three increasingly raised levels. The dynamic models realize event lines for a discrete event re-enactment engine and a great deal of components that handle the events. Each substance addresses a center which comprises of a restricted state machine which shapes the events during re-enactment. It is not similar to NS-2 and GloMoSim.

1.7 EmStar

EmStar (Girod et al., 2004) is a component based, discreteevent structure that offers an extent of run-time conditions, from unadulterated reproduction, conveyed course of action on iPAQs (Rowe et al., 2011), to simulate like SensorSim. EmStar supports the usage of recreation initially times of plan and advancement by giving an extent of reenacted sensor network components, including radios, which give indistinct interfaces from genuine components. It supports mutt-mode with some genuine components and some mirrored components, and full nearby mode with no duplicated components. As in TOSSIM, EmStar uses a comparable source code that runs at all of these levels to run on veritable sensors. Among various test systems, for instance, TOSSIM, EmStar outfits an option in contrast to interface with genuine equipment while running a recreation. EmStar is immaculate with two unmistakable sorts of center point equipment. It might be used to make programming for Mica2 bits (Park et al., 2000) and it moreover offers support for making programming for iPAQ based micro-servers.

1.8 SENS

SENS (Sundresh et al., 2004) is a versatile componentbased test system for WSN applications. It comprises of replaceable and extensible components for applications, network correspondence, and the physical condition. In SENS, each center is divided central components: application, imitates the item use of the sensor center; network, handles drawing closer and dynamic parcels; physical, peruses detected data; and condition, network causing characteristics. Various unmistakable component executions offer changing degrees of authenticity. For example, customers can pick between various application-express conditions with different sign spread characteristics. As in TOSSIM, SENS source code can be ported genuinely into genuine sensor center points, enabling application versatility.

1.9 J-Sim

J-Sim (Sobeih et al., 2006; Chatzigiannakis et al., 2005) is a component-based discrete event test system worked in Java and exhibited after NS-2. The plan of this test system targets unwinding an enormous number of the shortcomings of for all intents and purposes indistinguishable item arranged test systems like NS-2. J-Sim uses the possibility of components rather than having an article for each individual center point. J-Sim uses three top level components: the target center point which produces updates, the sensor center point that reacts to the enhancements, and the sink center which is a complete objective for helps itemizing. Each component is broken into parts and showed differently inside the test system; this encourages the usage of different shows in different reenactment runs. J-Sim ensure has a couple of points of interest over NS-2 and various test systems. First its component based structure scales better than anything the article arranged model used by NS-2 and various test systems. Second, J-Sim has an improved vitality model and the ability to repeat the usage of sensors for ponders recognizable proof. Like SensorSim, there is support for using the re-enactment code for genuine equipment sensors. In any case, J-Sim is generally complex to use. While no more puzzled than NS-2, the last test system is progressively noticeable and recognized in the sensor network research network and more prominent network support is open, thus more people contribute to make sense of how to use it. Regardless of the way that it is flexible, J-Sim has a lot of inefficient phases. In the first place, there is difficulty in the intercommunication model. The ensuing issue is gained by most sensor networks test systems that are based over extensively helpful test systems, 802.11 is the fundamental MAC show that can be used in J-Sim.

1.10 Dingo

Dingo (Fan & Biagioni, 2004) gives a workbench to prototyping computations for WSNs cutting a top-down plan strategy. It fully relies on programming language. This encourages the structure system as model computations can be attempted before progression for the goal organize. Dingo comprises of a fixed API, with flexible internals. It has a direct graphical UI and a ton of base classes, which are connected by the customer to make reproduction. Each replicated sensor center point runs in its very own string and passes on using comparative shows that would be sent on a physical center. Sensors are shown using a pool of concurrent, passing on strings. Solitary sensors can: (1) Gather and methodology data from a model domain; (2) Locate and talk with their nearest neighbors; (3) Determine whether they are working adequately and act in like way to alter the network topology in case of blemished center points being recognized. Center points may be masterminded particularly to reproduce a heterogeneous sensor network. Dingo goes with a great deal of usage level coordinating groups including clear multi-skip flooding, MuMHR (Aireen et al., 2017) and LEACH (Chen et al., 2019). Dingo remembers a basic improvement for the recreation execution by giving the decision to part the perception from the reproduction. It offers apparatuses to the reproduction and association of raised level, Python code on genuine sensor networks. Dingo-top is another module which is used to dump network topology data to a book record and make a graphical depiction of that topology. Also, Dingo has a couple of features as modules. These can be started/deactivated on the module menu. As with Simulation Network for Framework (SensorSim-II).

1.10 NS-2 and NS-3

NS-2 and NS-3 (Sundresh et al., 2004) are discrete event test system centered at networking research. It is an open source network test system at first intended for wired, IP networks. The NS-2 recreation condition offered fantastic flexibility in considering the characteristics of WSNs considering the way that it fuses versatile augmentations for WSNs. NS-2 has different impediments:

To overcome the above drawbacks the improved NS-3 test system (TinyOS, n.d) was made. NS-3 facilities both recreation and emulating. It is totally written in C++, while customers can use Python to portray recreations. Moving from NS-2 execution to NS-3, require manual intervention. Other than the adaptability and execution upgrades, recreation centers can bolster various radio interfaces and various channels. Furthermore, NS-3 facilitales an ongoing calendar that makes it possible to interface with a genuine system (TinyOS, n.d). For example, a genuine network can transmit and receive NS-3 generated packets. Shawn is an open source discrete event test system for WSNs. It is written in C++ and can be run in Linux/Unix and Windows situations. Shawn can imitate large scale WSNs, where physical actions are missed. The concept behind Shawn is to use complex simulations instead of mimicing the results (Santanche et al., 2006; Luo et al., 2008).

1.11 GTSNetS

GTSNETS (Ould-Ahmed-Vall et al., 2005) is an open-source, written in C++, and it is a simulator to drive large scale WSNs. Clients can assess various procedures and progressive options with its impact on lifetime and performance on particular segments. It can likewise adapt new approaches, for example, calculations and conventions. Khan et al. (NS-3, 2021) claims the it is the main simulator can mimic network with enormous number of hubs (up to 200,000). GTSNetS has been designed in a manner to enable clients to utilize any technology or design to recreate any required WSNs. Choices, for example, following options, various Sensors, Transducers, Signal Conditioning and Wireless Sensors Networks energy models, network conventions, and the simplicity of reached out for a particular need; will give different execution to the researcher. Advantages of GTSNetS include, general lifetime of the mimicked network is identifiable, the energy consumption of each unit can be estimated, supporting versatility, for example, mobile sensor hubs, mobile base station, and the development of sensed objects (Ould-Ahmed-Vall et al., 2005).

1.12 cnet

cnet (UWA, n.d) is an open source network simulator created at the University of Western Australia for research and learning purposes. This simulation stage permits different experimentation at the data-interface, the transport and the network layers. It executes both the IEEE 802.112 and IEEE 802.3 conventions, which makes it equipped for reenacting mobile and wireless networks.

1.13 TRMSim-WSN

TRMSim-WSN (Mármol & Pérez, 2009) called Trust and Reputation Models Simulator for WSNs (TRMSim-WSN) is a unique Java-based simulator aimed to provide trust and notoriety models for a wide scope of WSNs. TRMSim-WSN is a profoundly optimizable simulator. It enables clients to set a few simulation parameters, including, the level of vindictive hubs, the likelihood of collusions, and so forth. It offers probably the most well-known trust and notoriety models found in the writing. New models can be effectively added utilizing the given API, which actualizes a format to complete this task. TRMSim only tests the quality and accuracy of trust and credibility; it does not allow consumers to consider the output components of their network. For instance, clients of TRMSim-WSN cannot gauge the energy consumption imposed by trusted network models.

2. Discussion

In this paper, we have represented a brief description about various network simulators for WSN, which are also presented along with their advantages and disadvantages followed by with its consideration of various applications for sensor networks, data volume, monitoring wireless sensor nodes, data manipulation and portrayal shows an assortment of difficulties and others crucial component of sensor networks. Few network simulators which includes open source such as SensorSim, SensorSim-II, TOSSIM, GloMoSim, QualNet, OPNET, EmStar, SENS, J-Sim, Dingo, NS- 2 & NS-3, GTSNetS, cnet, TRMSim and some of them are based on C++ such as SensorSim, Tossim, EmStar, SENS, JSim, Dingo, NS-2 & NS-3, TRMSim. The most popular among all are SensorSim, Tossim, GloMoSim, QualNet, Dingo, NS-2 & NS-3.

3. Recommendation

As discussed, some tools works better for specific application area while other tools works better in area, like TRMsim is a Java-based simulator for trust and notoriety models, GTSNetS is an open-source written in C++, an event driven simulator for large scale WSNs., CNET is an open-source network simulator best for data-interface, the transport and the network layers, NS-2 and NS-3 is best suited when discrete event test system centric networking research, J-Sim is a component-based discrete event test system, SENS is a versatile component-based test system for WSN applications, OPNET is a further discrete event, object situated, extensively valuable network test system, Qualnetis a business network test system, GloMoSimis a scalable simulator for wireless and wired network systems, TOSSIM is a discrete-event test system for TinyOS applications.


In this paper a brief review has been done with different network simulator for Wireless Sensor Networks. The description of the network simulator is shown, and feasibility is also discussed. The network simulators such as SensorSim, SensorSim-II, Tossim, Global Mobile Information System Simulator (GloMoSim), Network Simulator Software (Qualnet), Optimized Network Engineering Tool (OPNET) (Andreou et al., 2011), EmStar, Sensor Environment Network Simulator (SENS), J-Sim, Distributed Information Genrator (Dingo), NS-2 & NS-3, Georgia Tech Sensor Network Simulator (GTSNetS), Computer Network (CNET),Trust and Reutation Simulator (TRMSim). Most of them are open source such as SensorSim, SensorSimII, Tossim, EmStar, SENS, J-Sim, Dingo, NS-2 & NS-3, GTSNetS and some of them are based on C++ such as SensorSim, Tossim, EmStar, SENS, J-Sim, Dingo, NS-2 & NS-3, TRMSim. The most popular amount all are SensorSim, Tossim, GloMoSim, Qualnet, Dingo, NS-2 and NS-3.


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