i-manager Publications, in partnership with DMI Engineering College , is proud to announce the Grand Research Competition, a national-level competition designed to foster innovation and academic excellence in scientific research.

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About NGRC 2025

i-manager Publications, in partnership with DMI Engineering College, is proud to announce the Grand Research Competition, a national-level competition designed to foster innovation and academic excellence in scientific research. The competition aims to provide a platform for students, researchers, and academic professionals to showcase their research work, with successful papers being published by i- manager Publications.



The Grand Research Competition seeks to:

  • Encourage new, innovative research in key scientific and technological areas.
  • Provide recognition and publication opportunities for top-quality research.
  • Promote collaboration and academic engagement between researchers and institutions.
  • Highlight emerging research that contributes to addressing real-world problems.

Awards and Prizes

First Prize

INR 1,00,000/-

Second Prize

INR 50,000/-

Third Prize

INR 25,000/-

Top 10 Finalists : Certificates of Excellence
Top 100 would be awarded Certificate of Recognition

Submission Guidelines

  • All submissions must be in word format, with 8,000 words (including references and appendices).
  • A maximum similarity tolerance of 10% will be allowed.
  • Papers should be submitted through i-manager Publications’ Editorial Management Platform.
Participation Fee
INR 250

(To be paid during submission)


All submissions must be

Received by 28th Feb 2025.

Submission Procedure

Participants are requested to register themselves on the registration page in our Website. Once registered, authors can submit and know the status of their papers.

Paper Submission Process

Invite for Papers
14th Oct 2024
Submission Deadline
28th Feb 2025
Judging Period
1st March to 14th March 2025
Review in progress
15th March 2025
Award Ceremony Venue
DMI Engineering College

Publication Opportunity

Successful papers will be published in i-manager Publication's peer-reviewed scientific Journals. Participants will gain recognition in the academic community and contribute to advancing research in their respective fields.

Rules & Instructions

All entries must be submitted by 31st Jan 2025, and must adhere to the following requirements:

  • Be written and submitted by student(s) (UG, PG, Doctoral Candidates in any discipline) enrolled at an institute of Higher Education located within India.
  • The paper should have a title, a list of contributing authors with their names, contact details, designations, and affiliated institutions. Include a brief bio and a JPEG photo for each author. In case of more than one author, the corresponding authors' full details including email, fax, phone and address for communication need to be provided.
  • The paper should include an abstract (not more than 400 words), keywords, Introduction, a main body with sections and subsections, results, discussion, conclusion, and references.
  • Be fewer than 8000 words (not including requirement #2 and not exceed 10 pages).
  • Be in English and suitable for publication (final editing assistance will be provided before publication for winning papers).
  • Be submitted in electronic format, preferably Microsoft Word or other revisable format, in Arial font, 12-pointtype size.
  • Be original and not previously published (copyright will remain with the author; winners grant publication rights to i- manager Publications as well as the right to release entries to other media and transfer copyright once accepted for Publication)
  • In addition:
    • All references must be cited.
    • APA format should be followed for references, citations, and for tables.
    • Figures and tables should appear immediately after their first mention in the text.
    • lllustrations, if provided, should be clear and in JPEG format.
    • All articles should be as error-free as possible, and any technical matters must be as clearas possible.

Judging Criteria

1 Originality Does the research present new ideas or methodologies?
2 Relevance How significant is the research to its field and society?
3 Research Methods How robust are the research methodologies used?
4 Clarity Is the research well-organized and communicated effectively?
5 Impact Does the research contribute to solving real-world Challenges?
6 UNSDG Goals Adherence to UNSDG Goals.